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Traffic School Online - Easy Stop

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DMV Licensed Online Traffic School


Traffic Signs:  The Stop Sign

One of the most common traffic signs in the world is the stop sign. As an important safety device to help to prevent accidents and injuries, stop signs signal drivers to come to a complete stop. 

Did you know that the first stop sign was installed in the United States in 1915 and it was black and white? Later, in 1954, the stop sign was changed into the red and white sign we see on the roads today. 

Stop signs help with the flow of traffic and keep everyone safe and aware while going through intersections. In order to use a stop sign, you must come to a complete stop behind the white line and yield to all vehicles and pedestrians in the intersection. Once you have come to a complete stop and yielded to all other traffic, you can safely proceed through the intersection.

While approaching a stop sign, remember to come to a complete stop and not roll through the stop sign. This is unsafe and can lead to accidents. Also, be mindful to look around in the intersection and not block the crosswalk. Overall, make sure it is safe to proceed after making a complete stop. 

Stop signs are essential to directing traffic on the road. It is important to be mindful of how to proceed when you approach a stop sign in order to prevent accidents and injuries.


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Referred to this by a friend - thanks for the funny, random comments inserted in between the text. and for the colloquial tone. easy to follow along as opposed to dry stats and figures.
- Julie S